Monday, February 18, 2019

Tozawa/Murphy, CCK/Aussie Open, PAC/Ospreay

WWE Elimination Chamber 2019 Kickoff: Akira Tozawa vs. Buddy Murphy
They packed a lot into 13 minutes, and had a very nice "mini-epic". Some good nearfalls & big moves all the way through. Very nice seeing & hearing the crowd be so into a kickoff match. ***

RevPro High Stakes 2019: Chris Brookes & Jonathan Gresham vs. Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis
This was complete trash & I feel like I am being way too generous with my rating for it. It starts off with some very unfunny comedy shenanigans - okay, alright, I can understand it, I mean I have seen my fair share of comedy stuff in "serious looking" indy matches, but the shenanigans here went for what felt like 10 minutes or something. After we finally get done with them, they go & do some crowd brawling - it's all very uninteresting stuff. The rest of the match is basically Fletcher selling as the FIP while CCK do some boring work over him, and then Davis makes a boring hot tag. Yawn. If I had to name some positives about the thing, I thought that Chris Brookes was definitely the MVP, as he had a couple of very nice, dick-heel moments. Not saying much though as the match overall was such a long, drawn out dullfest. Had a solid structure on paper w/ some traditional tag rasslin' in the form of a straight up FIP segment, followed by a hot tag & a finishing stretch, but it was so very uninteresting. *1/4

RevPro High Stakes 2019: PAC vs. Will Ospreay
This was better than I expected it to be, given the 30-minute draw deal. The majority of it saw PAC on top & Ospreay from underneath, and both guys rocked their roles pretty well; PAC looked pretty vicious throughout - there sure aren't many wrestlers in the world right now with a better powerbomb than him, that thing is just incredible & Ospreay had some nice, flippy comebacks. The CCK interference deal was what it was, but since it had to be done for some reason, I thought it was done fairly well & the brief unity by Ospreay & PAC, followed by the standoff in the ring was pretty cool. Good match. ***

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