Friday, February 8, 2019

First ROOSH of the year

CMLL Super Viernes 01/18/19: Euforia vs. Rush
This was a total RUSH show. He brought the energy, charisma & swagger, as he always does. Euforia wasn't any interesting in his comebacks, but Rush's bits on top were really good & carried the match to solid levels. He's an absolute rockstar. ***

ROH Road to G1 Supercard - San Antonio: Bandido vs. Rocky Romero
Originally had no plans on watching this, but I really liked Bandido's performance & match vs. Silas Young from the same tour + it got some crazy ****1/2+ reviews across the wrestling community, so WHY NOT. Good way to kill 20 minutes or so. It was a solid match, but nothing special. They tried to do something with Bandido's taped up mid-section, and initially I liked that, as Rocky was pretty solid going after it & Bandido was real good from underneath, but then the psychology went out of the window as he dropped selling & Rocky wasn't that focused on the attack anymore. The match pretty much became your generic back & forth indy bout, but the two did it better than many, so it was pretty enjoyable all in all. OK match. **1/2

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