Saturday, February 2, 2019

5-STAR RE-WATCH: AJ/MiSu, AJ/Lesnar, Trevor/Chip

NJPW G1 Climax 24: AJ Styles vs. Minoru Suzuki
Still an obvious classic, and one of the best matches of both guys' careers, but missing that extra something to be a 4.75-5* one. This was really the match that made AJ Styles in New Japan; Suzuki was vicious with his focused arm targeting, and AJ's selling was really good throughout. IIRC in the lead up to this MiSu had been talking about how he hates the Bullet Club guys making the gun sign w/ their fingers, because they aren't shooters, and that translated here with how intense & angry he was at AJ. Even more grumpy than Minoru Suzuki usually is, that is. Fantastic moment in when AJ had him grounded, he put the finger gun on his head, and MiSu has this amazing pissed off look on this face & gets up and tries to rip that damn finger out of AJ's hand. ****1/2

WWE Survivor Series 2017: AJ Styles vs. Brock Lesnar
Two of the best wrestlers of all-time in one of the greatest matches of all-time. No one takes bumps like AJ does, and no one delivers a beating like Lesnar does. They were always gonna have a great match, but both guys delivered special performances & created something SPECIAL. It starts off with Brock manhandling AJ, and it's one of his more lively beatdowns; him just dragging Styles from corner to corner, stepping on his face & dumping him out of the ring like a child is all amazing stuff. Another amazing bully moment by him: after he had been beating the crap out of Styles for a while, he DARES AJ to fight him, and then just kills him with a lariat. AJ eventually rallies up & brings the fight in a big way; Brock hits his knee on the steel steps outside, and now that knee is the target of AJ's assault. The Calf Killer spot was soooo great, and Brock getting out of it by smashing AJ's skull repeatedly on the mat was an all-time great bit. The finish was absolutely brilliant too with them perfectly teasing that AJ might actually get the victory, only for Brock to catch him & deliver a killer F5, all the while still selling the knee big time. Two masters at work - it's just super compelling stuff between Brock's beatdown, bully antics, amazing selling & AJ's terrific bumping + selling, kneework, aerial attacks. One of my all-time favorites. *****

CWF Mid-Atlantic Kernodle Brothers Tag Team Tournament 2017: Chip Day vs. Trevor Lee
Trevor Lee is still the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion almost two years later. His reign has been the best title reign of the 2010's, but it definitely lost a lot of it's steam in 2018. Now he's most likely losing the title in his next defense, so I think it's safe to say that this match right here vs. Chip Day was the apex of his reign. It holds up pretty damn well to say the least. Trevor conveys emotion into big matches like no one in wrestling today; he very much reminds me of Shinya Hashimoto in that regard. Got goosebumps during his entrance when he proudly hoisted that championship up in Chip's face & then got them again after he won. The match built masterfully from the beginning, with a very compelling feeling out process between them, to then being a full on slugfest war by the end. Loved the storytelling of Trevor trying his hardest to avoid Chip aka "Kick Jagger's" kicks until he just couldn't anymore. Him saying "I need you" to the crowd is still as magical as it was the first time watching it, and the finish sequence is absolutely amazing. They did the fighting spirit & 1 count stuff masterfully. ****3/4

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