Sunday, February 3, 2019

New Beginning in Sapporo SZKGN vs. LIJ singles stuff

Minoru Suzuki vs. SANADA
The Paradise Lock stuff in the beginning was fun, and MiSu's angry beatdown after that was also fun, but once SANADA makes his comeback inside the ring, goddamn this got boring. No energy in it whatsoever & SANADA is an absolute bore on the offense. **

EVIL vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
This was really good in parts, but it dragged pretty badly as well. Really hoping we see a re-match in the G1 or something, because these two have a banger of a (max) 15-minute match in them. This was still good though; Zack was really good with on the offense as usual with some very nice neck targeting, and I liked the whole dynamic of his technical superiority vs. EVIL's brute strength. ***

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