Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Revival vs. Gable & Roode

WWE RAW 02/11/19: Bobby Roode & Chad Gable vs. The Revival
They've been getting some rave reviews for their recent house show matches, so I was pretty interested in seeing how their chemistry is once they get the match to TV. Sadly I thought that this wasn't good at all; the initial shine by the babyfaces was super dull, but no worries, things got better once the Revival took over. That lasted for like 30 seconds though, as most of their heat segment went to the commercials apparently. Gable's hot tag was very generic & boring - one good thing about it was that he's got a nice looking German Suplex at least. Then after a while of him doing his boring offense, we finally get some Revival on top. They're good, and it's by far the highlight of the match; Dawson really brought it on the offense with everything he busted out having a good snap behind it & his headlock looking very tight. Roode's hot tag was very meh, unsurprisingly. Incredibly dull stuff by him & Gable overall in this match - the only thing that I somewhat liked was the Revival's, especially Dawson's, work over Gable, but even that wasn't very memorable or anything. I don't want to say it was a bad match, but it was oh so very dull in the "it happened"-sense. *1/2

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