Thursday, February 21, 2019

NXT: Roddy/Aleister, Gargano/Dream

Aleister Black vs. Roderick Strong
The scrappy exchange on the mat that started off the match was awesome & Roddy's overall work on top was very good. Aleister was solid from underneath too, and the finish was pretty great. Good match. Quality TV-stuff under 10 minutes. ***

Johnny Gargano vs. The Velveteen Dream
The beginning stuff with the Dream irritating Gargano w/ those SLAPS after some nice back & forth was great. Eventually it settles to the dynamic of Gargano on top & Dream from underneath, and it's really good for the most part. Really dug some of Gargano's arm manipulation - looked pretty brutal, wish there would've been more focus on that in the grand scheme of things, but oh well. Dream's comebacks were good w/ them punches & all, and I liked the storytelling of him getting more & more into those comeback flurries as the match went on. Good stuff. ***1/4

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