Thursday, February 7, 2019

NXT is CATCH POINT, Momo/Hayter

WWE NXT 02/06/19: Drew Gulak vs. Matt Riddle
Catch Point lives, baby. This was mostly contested on the mat with a few great strikes & bombs here and there, and it's pretty great. Gulak is sooo good with his submissions; he makes everything look super nasty, and the highlight of his work here was the hold where he had both of Riddle's arm locked in and his body twisted up in a very uncomfortable looking position. Not sure what it's officially called, but it was lovely. Riddle brought the goods with his matwork as well, and all of his strikes looked very good, too. Never been a fan of that kneestrike he uses, but here it looked pretty deadly. An absolute HOOT of a match. ***3/4

Stardom Kyoto Max 2019: Jamie Hayter vs. Momo Watanabe
Hell of a performance by Hayter. Certainly made a good impression on me, as this was my first time seeing her in action - the meat of the match is her work over Momo's leg, and it's really great. Her continuing punching the knee while hooking the leg for a pinfall was pretty creative I thought. Momo initially sold very well w/ her doing her kicks & dropkicks, but always showing the pain she was in. Sadly eventually she just drops the selling completely & the match goes a few levels down. Thankfully it didn't go for too long, so it didn't end up being offensive, but yeah, disappointing stuff by Momo even though I do love her KICKS. Really good match overall that could've been great with more S E L L I N G, dammit. ***1/2

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