Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Bryan/Jeff II, Umeda/BigShuji, Halftime Heat

WWE SmackDown 02/05/19: Daniel Bryan vs. Jeff Hardy
Not as great as their 2018 match, but still really good. Jeff was very solid with his comebacks, but this was the Bryan show. He was amazing as always on the offense; knee drops to the face, nose grabbing, brutal kicks, vicious arm targeting - all really great stuff. Also that kick to the rope to hurt Jeff's chin; creative & brutal as hell. Loved it. ***1/2

DDT Sweet Dreams: Kota Umeda vs. Shuji Ishikawa
This was a pretty badass underdog match. First time watching Kota Umeda, and the dude has some brutal kicks to say the least - he was awesome with those, and the big dog Shuji was brutal shutting him down with those forearms & slams. Gave him a lot of the match to shine, and let him kick out of a lot of stuff, too. Very giving performance by the man in that. ***1/2

WWE Halftime Heat: Adam Cole, Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa vs. Aleister Black, Ricochet & The Velveteen Dream
If you're a fan of this kind of wrestling, this probably was awesome. I don't really particularly care for stuff like this though, and I've seen so many better spotfests in PWG & other indies over the years. It pretty much did nothing for me. I did like the Dream's very brief 1 vs. 3 moment w/ those PUNCHES though, that was very nice. **

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