Monday, February 11, 2019

PAC/Kzy, New Beginning in Osaka

Dragon Gate Open the Truth Gate 2019: Kzy vs. PAC
PAC's control segment to start the match off was very boring. That didn't come off as a surprise though, considering I did watch his borefests vs. Starr & ZSJ. Once they did that forearm sequence, which was totally great, things picked up big time. Kzy comeback off of that was very good, and from then on there was no super dull PAC control periods w/ his generic heel shtick, as it instead became more of a bombfest. Overstayed it's welcome a bit, but it was really good for the most part with both guys delivering on the offense busting out those big bombs. Started off boring, picked up big time & ended up being a very enjoyable, good match overall. ***1/4

NJPW The New Beginning in Osaka: Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Taiji Ishimori
Both guys showed up and delivered a very solid match. The beginning stuff w/ the wristlock control was great and I liked the dancing banter as well. Ishimori was pretty good controlling things & Taguchi sold very good throughout & of course he ruled on the offense too with him putting more & more into those comebacks of his as the match went on. Good stuff - nothing overly memorable, but a good time from start to finish. Post-match LIGER callout was a wonderful surprise, and I am very much looking forward to him getting a big singles match! ***

NJPW The New Beginning in Osaka: Bad Luck Fale vs. Kazuchika Okada
I always enjoy the Okada vs. Fale matches, and this was no exception. Okada's selling of the back was pretty damn bad though (not that it's any surprising) - he did the classic Okada selling of holding his back for one second, and then running full speed, doing huge diving missile dropkicks & picture perfect kip-ups & all. That took some of my enjoyment away from the thing, but not much, as I still had a lot of fun with it. They always rock the Ace vs. Monster dynamic very well. ***1/4

NJPW The New Beginning in Osaka: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Jay White
I thought that Switchblade looked like a star in this. Great swagger & charisma shown throughout. Loved his trashtalk while he went to town on Tana's knee. His work over that knee was really good, and while I wouldn't say that Tana's selling was good, it wasn't offensive. He still did his High Fly Flows without showing the damage done to the knee in his movements, but those were just a couple of brief moments, so it didn't bother me too much. He was very good w/ the knee work of his own, too. Then the whole sequence with White avoiding the Slingblade was real neat; White came off as a very smart, cocky prick w/ his great expressions, while Tana was awesome being frustrated & angry as hell about him not getting the moves in. Badass finish in the catching Bladerunner & of course I gotta mention Gedo's hilarious bumping for Tana during his bits. Overall a very good match & better than I expected, honestly. ***1/2

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