Sunday, July 29, 2018

Day 10'ski

Tama Tonga vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
This one is not getting much love from the most vocal NJPW fanbase, but I thought it was pretty damn awesome. Had this authentic feel of a rough, styles clash FIGHT that I absolutely loved; Tama was really good in control, he was roughing up Zack quite a bit, and Zack on the offense was of course superb - he tortured Tama's arm(s) any chance he got. The best match of Tama's singles career quite easily so far. ***3/4

Juice Robinson vs. Toru Yano
Pretty fun stuff, with the highlight being Yano fooling Juice into thinking he was gonna be all respectful & not do his usual shenanigans - him going after Juice's hand outside the ring was actually pretty brutal! **3/4

Kota Ibushi vs. Tomohiro Ishii
Ishii awakened the absolute KILLER that Ibushi can be when he is pushed to that limit. An absolutely ridiculous smackfest, with goddamn PUNCHES TO THE THROAT. ****
Hirooki Goto vs. Tetsuya Naito
A very solid, good match, with most of it being Naito working over Goto's neck, to get him ready for that DESTINO. Goto got a few good comebacks in, I always love the GTR. ***

Kenny Omega vs. SANADA
Filler destruction of the leg that of course gets no sold, and then just generic New Japan main event style big move counter wrestling. Nawt good. *1/4


  1. "Omega, great as he is, sometimes wrestles like he’s in WWE 2K18. Rather than do some logical things in matches, he can have a tendency to throw out moves purely in an attempt to raise his star ratings."

    This quote from 411mania is just damn true.

    1. That is exactly how he feels at times lol. Nailed it.
