Thursday, July 19, 2018


SANADA vs. Tama Tonga
This was damn good. SANADA as the babyface was awesome & the overall dynamic w/ Tama being a cocky heel, the Bullet Club run-in's - all worked very well with me. ***
Toru Yano vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
Absolutely fantastic. Most of the match is ZSJ just torturing Yano, but Yano keeps on escaping, and gets a few absolutely TREMENDOUS, best of the year -level, nearfalls in. Couldn't have asked for a better match between the 2. ****1/4

Juice Robinson vs. Kota Ibushi
A physical back & forth battle between two great wrestlers in front of the always lovely Korakuen crowd. Instant hit. ***3/4

Tetsuya Naito vs. Tomohiro Ishii
An absolutely lovely smackfest, with fantastic character work by both guys. Especially Ishii was on some next level shit here; his offense looked more murderous than usual, and that's quite something. ****1/4

Hirooki Goto vs. Kenny Omega
This wasn't bad, but it certainly wasn't good either. There was nothing wrong with it per se; it actually flew by, which is pretty cool, because usually my main gripe with NJPW main events is that they drag quite a bit. That wasn't the case here - the "problem" was that the structure was just so, so dull; felt like a bunch of movez from start to finish, and the movez weren't any interesting whatsoever. Goto offered NOTHING, and I can't actually name more than 1 thing he did the entire match. **

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