Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Day 11

Bad Luck Fale vs. Togi Makabe
An ugly, scrappy fight between the two, aka exactly what it should've been. A good time. ***

Hangman Page vs. Jay White
Dragged by the end, but overall this was very good, and certainly WAY better than I expected it to be. Some very nice chops & lariats + very strong psychology w/ Switchblade viciously targeting Hangman's back, which Hangman sold pretty damn well. Miles better than their first meeting. Hangman has some real potential as a babyface. ***3/4

EVIL vs. Minoru Suzuki
Hard hitting strike exchanges, as one would expect, and mostly Minoru on top, giving EVIL a beating. EVIL was such a good babyface fighting from underneath to go against that. ***3/4

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. YOSHI-HASHI
A very charming babyface vs. babyface match. YOSHI-HASHI pushed Tana to the limit - Tana sold pretty much the perfect amount for him. ***1/2

Kazuchika Okada vs. Michael Elgin
Slow, plodding, downright boring for the most part with some generic BIG MOVEZ thrown in there. Not good. I guess if I had to take something positive out of this watching experience, at least some of the wrist control stuff was pretty cool, but that's it. Okada was tremendously boring when he was in control, and Big Mike's big movez were as generic as possible, as I already mentioned. *

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