Thursday, July 12, 2018

MiSu/Okada, UE/MM

Minoru Suzuki 30th Anniversary Festival: Kazuchika Okada vs. Minoru Suzuki
Damn this match has a cool atmosphere w/ it happening outdoors & the rain pouring down relentlessly. Most of the match goes to Suzuki, who is pretty much always a joy to watch work on top, and this time he didn't work the leg of Okada for him to no sell it, so Okada's selling was just fine throughout. As were his comebacks. It's certainly not the epic they had at G1 27, but it's a really good match w/ a very unique setting, to say the least. ***3/4

WWE NXT 07/11/18: Moustache Mountain vs. The Undisputed Era
Right from the get go the dueling roars of "MOUSTACHE MOUNTAIN!" & "UNDISPUTED!" were really cool, really fit into the beginning of the match with them going at it right away, brawling all over the place. Then the big moment of the match happens; Roddy drops Seven knee first onto the steel steps. Kyle & Roddy torture the crap out of him, working over that knee in BRUTAL fashion; in particular Kyle was absolutely amazing during the heat segment. The heat segment overall is up there with the absolute greatest of 'em; incredibly compelling stuff. Tyler's eventual hot tag was goddamn superb, too - they milked it just enough & once he got the tag, and started busting out his signature big moves, I was marking out big time. He ran wild on Roddy & Kyle for a while - loved Roddy's brief cut-off's during that, especially that backbreaker one. Trent's one final stand was brilliant, with him swinging lariats & chops, as well as he could with a destroyed knee, but the Undisputed lads got the control by going after that knee once again, very quickly. Tyler coming in one last time to break Roddy's murderous looking knee submission, only for the ref to tell him to stop doing that or he's gonna get his team DQ'd was excellently executed, I thought. After that's it's all bum-knee-getting-destroyed-to-shits -drama, and incredibly compelling at that w/ Kyle torturing Trent with that Heel Hook. Brilliant drama, brilliant psychology, brilliant structure & brilliant performances from all involved. A tag team classic. ****3/4


1 comment:

  1. MiSu - Okada = ****1/4
    The Tag Match = ****1/2 AMAZING
