Monday, July 16, 2018

Day 3 of the Climax

Hangman Page vs. Michael Elgin - *1/4
A very generic, bland movezfest with a million nearfalls. Of course.

Just absolutely nothing.

Minoru Suzuki vs. Togi Makabe - ***1/2
Much better than their match at the Anniversary show. This was just a total slugfest w/ MiSu of course looking like a killer with his strikes, and even Makabe looked good!

Bad Luck Fale vs. Kazuchika Okada - ***3/4
My favorite match of the night. Just love the chemistry Fale & Okada have, and Okada's new funky demeanor since losing the title brought a good, new touch to their usual David vs. Goliath affair.

Jay White vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi - ***1/2
A very nice redemption from their very forgettable Tokyo Dome meeting. Jay was very good working on top, focusing his attack on the banged up leg of Tana & Tana's selling, for the most part, was really good.

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