Wednesday, July 4, 2018

RevPro/NJPW, HiSu, WWE weeklies

RevPro/NJPW Strong Style Evolved UK - Day 1: WALTER vs. Yuji Nagata
This was perfectly solid, but pretty disappointing at the same time. One of the worst matches WALTER has had in a long time, and I certainly wasn't expecting to say that about a match up vs. Yuji Nagata. The pace wasn't very energetic, and the structure wasn't ideal; Nagata got too much of the match for my liking and it honestly felt like WALTER was "taking it easy" on him w/ his offense, which I can understand, but after seeing him beat the fuck out of PCO for an example, it just feels very off & weird. There was still quite a bit of stuff that I enjoyed in the thing, Nagata's kicks are always a beauty, but a more traditional underdog story would've been way more fun. **1/2

RevPro/NJPW Strong Style Evolved UK - Day 1: Minoru Suzuki & Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Kazuchika Okada & Tomohiro Ishii
A fantastic advertisement for the big singles matches that happened the next night, but also a one helluva match on it's own right. The highlights were Ishii's FIP segment w/ MiSu & ZSJ stretching him to shits, the lengthy Ishii vs. Suzuki strike exchange & then just everything after that was superb. ***3/4
BJW 20/06: Hideki Suzuki vs. Takuya Nomura

A lovely shoot stylish scrap. Very good submissions & overall mat work, some fantastic strikes + a very nice sense of urgency. ***3/4

WWE SmackDown 07/03/18: Team Hell No vs. The Usos
Team Hell No is back with a banger; very good structure with very solid storytelling throughout - at first Hell No was overwhelming the Usos, but then Usos got their groove going, and Hell No had to fight big to get their teamwork flowing. Very good match. ***1/2

WWE 205 Live 07/03/18: Buddy Murphy vs. Mustafa Ali
This was very good. Really good shine for Ali to start things off, followed by a very good Murphy control segment; really liked the chin/facelock stuff in particular. After that they introduce the gimmicks, and things get REAL physical. Overall I didn't like it as much as their first 2 singles matches, but it's one of the better WWE weapons matches I've seen in recent years. ***1/2

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