Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Day 7

Michael Elgin vs. YOSHI-HASHI
Big Mike throws everything he got at YOSHI-HASHI, but YH keeps on kicking out of everything. A very good underdog tale told between two wrestlers who I wouldn't think to have good chemistry with each other on paper. ***3/4

Bad Luck Fale vs. EVIL
My goodness this RULED. Fale's arm work was awesome, EVIL's overall babyface work was TREMENDOUS & the whole big LIJ vs. OGBC run-in deal was executed perfectly. MOTN. ***3/4

Jay White vs. Minoru Suzuki 
Switchblade does his best to anger Suzuki, which leads to Suzuki just beating the crap out of him in a pretty good match. **3/4

Hangman Page vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi
Nothing necessarily bad about this one, but it was utterly forgettable. Felt like a house show match, which I can't blame them for, but it didn't make for a compelling viewing of it, to say the least. *

Kazuchika Okada vs. Togi Makabe
These two always work super well, because of the dynamic they bring; Okada cockily dominates Makabe, while Makabe gets a couple of big, sweet comebacks in. Very good match. ***1/2

1 comment:

  1. Fale has been awesome so far. If only there weren't any shit run-ins in his matches.
