Friday, July 20, 2018

Day 5

Jay White vs. Michael Elgin
Went on for way too long, and while there was a sequence or two that were pretty cool (all of them w/ Elgin on the offense), overall the match had a weird structure, dynamic & it was just very dull for 99% of it. *

Minoru Suzuki vs. YOSHI-HASHI
YOSHI-HASHI wasn't good on the offense, but the match is mostly just MiSu destroying him, so it was a good time. ***

EVIL vs. Togi Makabe
Really have nothing to say about this one. It just happened. It wasn't interesting. *

Bad Luck Fale vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi
Doesn't surprise me in the slightest that these 2 had a banger, and what I would call the best match of the night, once again. Loved Tana going after Fale's leg right away, Fale eventually gains the control & does an awesome job with his monstrous work on top. I really liked the Tongans interference deal too, that was really well done, as was the finish. Really good stuff. ***3/4

Hangman Page vs. Kazuchika Okada
Hangman got to shine quite a bit, and it was pretty cool to see Korakuen chanting his name by the end, but overall the match didn't do much for me. It was your typical "young & upcoming guy gets to shine against the top guy" type of deal, and while that's a dynamic that can 100% rule, here it didn't really do it, IMO. Felt more like a exhibition w/ generic movez trading rather than that, actually. Very soulless stuff. **

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