Tuesday, May 22, 2018

ZSJ returns to Germany

wXw We Love Wrestling Tour: Frankfurt
Lucky Kid vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
A very good match. Fantastic finishing stretch and the meat of the match with ZSJ stretching the crap out of Lucky Kid while Kid got some brief offense in was very fun as well. ***1/2

wXw Shotgun #353
David Starr vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
Not on the level of their excellent PROGRESS match that happened a few weeks after this one, but still an absolute banger of a match. My favorite thing about the match was definitely the early exchanges on the mat; I thought Starr did such a fantastic job portraying his amateur wrestling background into those, and it worked like magic w/ ZSJ. After that the match becomes more of a slug/bomb -fest with some nice leg psychology in there, and yeah it rules. ***3/4

wXw We Love Wrestling Tour: Hamburg
WALTER vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
As usual, these two beat the crap out of each other in a fantastic David vs. Goliath bout. They went with the simplest of all psychologies in that kind of a setting; ZSJ went after WALTER's leg, which WALTER sells excellently & puts on an overall amazing wounded-yet-still-dangerous-monster -performance. ZSJ is great working the crap out of that leg & his cocky character work as he realizes he has the big lad in trouble was a joy. Fantastic performances by both guys & a fantastic match. ****

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