Wednesday, May 16, 2018

PWG Comes to ROH, Cody/Liger

The Young Bucks vs. The Super Smash Brothers
Of course this was great. An absolutely amazing spotfest with the SSB being fantastic nasty bastards, the Bucks playing some of their vintage greatest hits, Matt Jackson continuing his hellacious 2018 FIP-run. Pure mark out festival from start to finish. ****1/2

Cody vs. Jushin Liger
This was very fun. Good stuff early on w/ Liger overwhelming Cody, and Cody only getting the advantage with the help of the greatest manager of all-time, BURNARD the BUSINESS BEAR. Bless. Cody was very good on top & I liked the brief leg psychology they went with. Liger of course rules as a babyface w/ his selling & comebacks. ***1/2

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