Wednesday, May 23, 2018

BOSJ Day 4: Sabin/SHO, KUSHIDA/Scurll, Despy/Hiromu

Chris Sabin vs. SHO
Fun, slick, competitive back & forth to start things off. Eventually Sabin gets the control for a while, as he starts targeting SHO's leg. Sabin does some very solid work over it, but once it's SHO's time to get on the offense, it's like his leg hadn't been worked over at all. He is running at full speed & showing no signs of damage. SHO is great on his control segment, mainly focusing on working over the arm of Sabin in very enjoyable fashion. Sabin is a very good FIP & his eventual big comeback was awesome. It's a shame that the selling of the worked over limbs wasn't there, because other than that disappointing aspect, this was such a good match. Could've been great w/ if there was indeed some of that selling. ***1/4

KUSHIDA vs. Marty Scurll
This was absolutely beautiful. Fantastic, super compelling chain wrestling & when Marty eventually got the upperhand, he was simply awesome working the crap out of KUSHIDA, all around. KUSHIDA was a rockin' babyface as usual - one of my favorite moments of the match was when he got that comeback going, he sold the exhaustion of being worked all over by Marty so, so, SO well. KUSHIDA gets some of that vintage arm work of his in as well & as always it's pretty fantastic - I loved the sequence where he got Marty stunned on the top turnbuckle, he goes after the arm again (once again selling the fatique perfectly), which leads to Marty doing the finger spot of his, which then resulted in KUSHIDA not being able to lock the Kimura. Fantastic stuff, fantastic performances by both - especially KUSHIDA & an overall fantastic match that had a real unique feel to it. ****1/4

El Desperado vs. Hiromu Takahashi
A very good match. Hiromu was very explosive with his offense - loved all of his comebacks & the start with him going right after Despy was terrific. Despy was very good w/ his work on top as well. All in all this was pretty much what I'd expect out of these two w/ a nice lucha feud touch in it. Very good stuff. ***3/4

1 comment:

  1. Desperado-Hiromu was my favourite BOSJ 25 match so far! Lovely stuff right there, a match filled with hate and intensity. Marty-KUSHIDA was beyond my expectations, great match and KUSHIDA continues to prove why he is the best cruiserweight on the planet. BOSJ has been fantastic so far!
