Saturday, May 19, 2018

A great way to kick off BOSJ!

Tiger Mask vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru
Tiger Mask had a legitimately awesome run in last year's BOSJ, so I am very interested to see what he brings to the table now, one year later. Looks like we're in for another banger of a run from the man if this match is any telling - a very good performance & a very enjoyable match overall. Kanemaru was very hit & miss w/ his work, there were times here where I thought it was just fine, but there were also times where I thought it was so dull. Tiger Mask however was on point for the entirety of the thing; he was awesome fighting from underneath, all of his offense looked fantastic - that brief leg targeting & the armbar spot in particular were superb. A lovely way to kick off the tournament. ***1/4

ACH vs. Flip Gordon
What a fantastic performance by ACH! He gave Flip an absolute ass whooping on the offense & sold everything Flip did fantastically. Flip was very good too, he didn't do much of his annoying stuff & all of his FLIPS looked very good. ***1/2

A good match where both guys played their roles very well - BUSHI as the veteran of the two, spending most of the match on top, being cocky & YOH fighting from underneath w/ good hope spots. ***

Taiji Ishimori vs. Will Ospreay
This ruled. Definitely the MOTN. Great pace from start to finish - started off in a very explosive fashion & eventually slowed down a bit as Ishimori started to go town on Ospreay's banged up neck. Loved all the neck targeting - pretty much EVERYTHING he did was done to punish that neck. Ospreay's big comeback was really good & the match got a real nice sense of urgency from that; Ospreay busted out big bombs to try & get the job done before Ishimori would destroy his neck. Really good stuff. ***3/4


  1. 1) ACH could very well be the MVP of the whole tournament with incredible performances like yesterday's one.
    2) Ishimori was GREAT in his return match. Here's a hoping he wins the whole thing or just gets to the final.

  2. ACH has those incredible performances from time to time. I think especially in NJPW he has been giving his absolute all - they really should sign him to a full time contract. He's so good.

    And I am predicting Ishimori vs. Hiromu finals, with Taiji/Ospreay II happening at Dominion then. Very much liked what I saw out of the man in last night's match. I am pretty sure that's the first time I've seen a match of his from the 2010's decade lol.

  3. He had a very good match with KUSHIDA in the Super J-Cup'16 final. Would love to see another meeting between these two!

    1. Now that you mention it, I actually remember watching that match & enjoying it a lot as well. I'd definitely be down for a re-match.
