Sunday, May 13, 2018

PROGRESS Super Strong Style 16 - Day 2

Pete Dunne vs. Zack Gibson
I thought there were a few moments where Dunne could've let his moves breathe a little before going into the next one + there was one really awful sequence that involved no selling a Codebreaker & a couple of other moves, but other than those complaints, I thought this was very enjoyable. Gibson was very good w/ his work on top & Peter's comebacks were very good as well. ***

Chuck Mambo vs. Jordan Devlin vs. TK Cooper
A very fun, good spotfest w/ it going just the perfect amount of time, not too short or not too long & the comedy in it wasn't any annoying. Good match. ***

Chris Brookes, Joey Janela & Mark Andrews vs. Jimmy Havoc, Mark Haskins & Morgan Webster
A very generic multi-man tag match w/ no interesting structure. I thought the babyfaces were incredibly boring on the offense - team heels, in particular Mark Haskins, looked actually pretty damn good when they were working over them, but that sadly didn't ever last long, as it was your typical 50/50 deal where the control went to the other team very quickly. *1/2

Angelico vs. Keith Lee
Very typical Keith Lee match w/ him working on top for most of it while his opponent makes comebacks to stun him. It started pretty slowly & there was a lot of SHTICK~!, which wasn't any entertaining. Angelico was very boring on the offense, and while I always enjoy Keith Lee throwing people around & blasting them w/ his hellacious strikes, it wasn't enough to carry the match to 'good' -levels. BUT with that being said, it certainly wasn't a bad one. **1/2

David Starr vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
Now we're talking! This was absolutely phenomenal. Some very fun back & forth work on the mat to start things off - eventually Zack starts busting out strikes, and Starr is more than happy to answer back w/ some of his own; my GOODNESS did his lariats look absolutely amazing. Zack starts going after his leg(s) in vicious fashion, kicking the crap out of them & Starr does a very good job selling that. I especially liked his sell after he did the Project Ciampa, he sold the damage Zack had done to him very well. Both guys brought it big time in this one, ZSJ w/ that brutal work over Starr & Starr with that awesome babyface performance, very good selling & amazing LARIATS. ****1/4

Laura Di Matteo, Millie McKenzie & Sierra Loxton vs. The House of Couture
A super fun tag match. Good spotfest-y action w/ some solid FIP work in there. Very good stuff from start to finish. ***1/2

Kassius Ohno vs. Tyler Bate
I had pretty high expectations for this one & I am happy to report that it did live up to all of those! Fantastically structured match w/ Ohno being the classic big man bully that he is, beating the crap out of Bate & making fun of him while doing so. Bate was an amazing babyface fighting from underneath to go against that - LOVED his comebacks, in particular that punch flurry he busted out at one point. They built to the big German Suplex spot super well too, which helped build into the finish which was unreal. A motherfucking UFO sighting. What a way to end an absolute banger of a match. ****1/4

Travis Banks vs. WALTER
This was very good. WALTER did his deal, murdered Travis around quite a bit, including putting him in some of the most painful looking Boston Crab & STF I've ever seen + Travis was very good on the offense as well. The two have a great chemistry going just as expected & I am very much looking forward to their next meeting. ***3/4

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