Friday, May 25, 2018

Riddle/Ospreay III, Kento/Marufuji II

OTT ScrapperMania IV: Matt Riddle vs. Will Ospreay
By far the worst match in their trilogy. Too long, too much Ospreay on the offense & too many "cute" "epic" sequences. Super generic indy 50/50 crap. The only saving grace of the thing was that Riddle on the offense is always a joy. **

AJPW Super Power Series 2018: Kento Miyahara vs. Naomichi Marufuji
So much better than their Carnival match. The story in this one was so good; Marufuji is the crafty veteran who is clearly one or two steps ahead of Kento, and the champ is in real trouble trying to figure him out. The headlock sequence was absolutely wonderful, as was Marufuji chopping the soul out of Kento & I loved the couple of British -esq escapes Marufuji had for Kento's attempts to do his German. The match does have quite a few of the typical, generic puro championship match tropes by the end though & those eat away some points, but it was still a very good one. ***3/4


  1. Absolutely hate those cringeworthy fighting spirit spots from Will Ospreay. So, so awkward lol.
