Thursday, May 24, 2018

205 goodies + Kagetsu/Io

WWE 205 Live 05/22/18: Drew Gulak vs. Gran Metalik
Very good dynamic with Metalik doing his flippy stuff while Gulak tries to ground him. Not on the level of Gulak vs. Kalisto that happened a few weeks earlier, but still very enjoyable. ***

WWE 205 Live 05/22/18: Akira Tozawa vs. Hideo Itami
Hideo was really good in this one. He was on control for most of the thing, and I thought he did such a good job telling a story w/ his work over Tozawa; he was very methodical & that embodied his dislike of Tozawa & his goofy antics very well. His offense looked absolutely great, especially those corner dropkicks in the finishing stretch - brutal stuff. I thought Tozawa was lacking in most of his comebacks though, really wanted those to have more energy behind them. Him busting out that headlock was legitimately baffling. Oh well. Overall still a good match, but with a better performance from Tozawa, it could've been something great. ***1/4

Stardom Queen's Quest Produce Golden Week Stars - Day 2: Io Shirai vs. Kagetsu
Kagetsu works the crap out of Io's leg, Io sells it excellently until her comeback starts. Then it's her running around, doing 619's & dives. The selling stopped there, and the match quality, in my eyes, got hurt big time by it. Great 1st half, disappointing after Io's comeback kicks in. It's still solid bombfest action, but the no-selling annoyed me a lot. **3/4


  1. Any thoughts on the recent EVOLVE shows? Riddle-Strickland was absolutely tremendous.

  2. Haven't watched yet! I did hear the praise for Strickland/Riddle though. I did not like their recent MLW match at all though - actually turned that off about midway through because of how bland it was. Will give the EVOLVE match a shot, though.

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