Monday, May 14, 2018

PROGRESS Super Strong Style 16 - Day 3

Angelico vs. Chris Brookes vs. Chuck Mambo vs. David Starr vs. Jordan Devlin vs. Kassius Ohno vs. Roy Johnson
An absolutely awesome, super fun spotfest w/ everybody looking good getting their shit in. The highlight of it all was Ohno killing everybody w/ elbows. ***3/4

M&M vs. Mark Haskins & Morgan Webster
A fun squash w/ the heels displaying some very good looking offense. Mark Haskins seems waaaaay more interesting as a heel than as a generic babyface based on what he did during this SSS16 weekend. **

Keith Lee vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
This looks to be the final match up between these 2 for at least a while, and just like every time they have met, they delivered an awesome one. Keith with that awesome work on top while ZSJ works around him like a spider monkey w/ those submissions. It's quite something when this is, imo, the weakest match they've had against each other since Keith Lee arrived in EVOLVE. Tells what kind of a great chemistry they have w/ each other. ***3/4

Kassius Ohno vs. Zack Gibson 
Fun technical work in the beginning, good work on top by Gibson & of course Ohno is great on the offense. That finishing elbow looked absolutely VICIOUS. Good match. ***1/4

Jimmy Havoc vs. Joey Janela 
There were moments in this where I thought that it was absolute garbage, but honestly, that ended up adding to the appeal of it. Garbage deathmatch wrestling w/ shitty selling & some disgusting spots. GOOD TIME. Also holy shit did I mark out for the return of I HOPE YOU SUFFER! And that post-match segment w/ Ospreay & Havoc, just wow. ***

Toni Storm vs. Charlie Morgan
A very good match. Intense w/ a great pace. Both women brought very good looking offense. ***1/2

TK Cooper vs. WALTER
A very enjoyable, pretty solid WALTER KILLS squash match. **1/2

Kassius Ohno vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
Can't go wrong with these 2 going against each other. This one had such a different dynamic & vibe than their previous indy meetings, in particular the classic stuff from 2016-2017, but as I mentioned, you can't go wrong with Hero vs. ZSJ. They slugged it out at such a good, energetic pace. Very good tournament finals match. ***3/4

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