Wednesday, June 26, 2019

WWE Telly

WWE RAW 06/24/19: Daniel Bryan, Rowan & The Revival vs. The New Day & The Usos
Loved this. Bryan pretty much goes borderline full-on babyface here due to the reception he received here & the night before, and it of course RULES. The finishing segment between The Usos & Revival is really good too. ***1/2

WWE RAW 06/25/19: Daniel Bryan & Rowan vs. The New Day
Another day, another quality tag bout. Xavier continues his FIP streak from Stomping Grounds w/ a yet another showing here, and Bryan n' Rowan are pretty compelling working the heat on him. My favorite moment was probably when he was trying to rally up a comeback by booting Rowan, as the vintner was running towards him, but Rowan just no sells that shit & lariats the soul out of him. Quality stuff. ***1/4

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