Saturday, June 8, 2019

Chris Dickinson TRIPLESHOT

Beyond Uncharted Territory Episode 7: Chris Dickinson vs. Eddie Kingston
This was the slugfest it promised to be on paper. Hellacious strikes + gnarly & vicious bombs throughout. Pretty much exactly how I imagined a match between Chris Dickinson & Eddie Kingston would go. Extremely enjoyable. ***1/4

Beyond Uncharted Territory Episode 8: Chris Dickinson vs. Erick Stevens
This was pretty good, but also nothing very memorable or anything. I thought that Erick Stevens clearly showed some ring rust in the beginning, but the match & his performance got better and better as it went on. Lots of strikes & bombs all the way through - I thought that the chops & lariats looked viciously awesome in this one, in particular. I also really dug that one sequence by Stevens towards the end where he locked Dickinson in a side headlock. **3/4

Beyond Uncharted Territory Episode 9: Chris Dickinson vs. Tom Lawlor
The match really gets going once they're on the outside & Dickinson lariats the shit out of Lawlor who is leaning on the ringpost, and then in a classic twist, Dickinson hits his lariat arm on the post, which then gives Filthy Tom a clear target. His attack on the arm is very good, and I loved him on top, overall. His strikes looked GREAT. It's when Dickinson fully gets back into things that the match kind of becomes your usual, generic, indy slug/bombfest, but it's still good & compelling because both guys definitely bring the heat with their strikes. Came away from this very impressed w/ Lawlor for sure. ***1/4

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