Tuesday, June 4, 2019

BOSJ Korakuen! Day 9

SHO vs. Tiger Mask
Grumpy old vet Tiger Mask swallows SHO on the mat, and then continues to dominate by kicking the absolute shit out of him. That's quite wonderful! SHO really had to dig down deep & earn those intense comebacks of his, and he sure did earn them by receiving an awesome asskicking & selling that said asskicking very well throughout. Loved this match. ***1/2

Ren Narita vs. Will Ospreay
A quality bout w/ the classic young-lion-pushes-the-top-dog-to-the-limit -dynamic. Ospreay is good at dominating, but he is even better selling Narita's counters & offense when it came time to do so. ***

Dragon Lee vs. Titan
Pretty solid, but also not anything very memorable & it sure dragged, too. I did like the somewhat unique friendly competitive story they had going. **1/2

El Phantasmo vs. Rocky Romero
The middle-section of the match drags quite a bit, but by the end, they had me 110% into it. They told a pretty damn great underdog tale of the veteran in Rocky Romero looking to get a big win in his first Korakuen singles main event, and El Phantasmo was a great dance partner, as he played the role of the overly arrogant asshole looking to spoil the party excellently. It's good stuff the whole way through, but things kick up to another level or two when the Red Shoes bumps happen - after that's it's pure Korakuen underdog magic & it just rules. The best match of the tournament up to this point. ***3/4

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