Sunday, June 23, 2019


CIMA & Super Crazy vs. Jigsaw & Mike Quackenbush
Enjoyed this one a lot. The big story in it was the building heat between CIMA & Quack, and they played it off excellently. Jigsaw's FIP bit was very good too, as was Quack's hot tag, and the whole finishing gear they kick the match into just rules. Awesome stuff. ***1/2

Davey Richards vs. Masaaki Mochizuki
Out of the 3 matches Davey had in DGUSA, this is the one that tries the least hardest to be an epic, and that's a big reason why it's my favorite out of those matches. There's some annoying stuff in it like the dueling limbwork that is sold pretty poorly, but even that is much better here than it was in Davey's matches vs. SHINGO & YAMATO. Mochizuki was pretty awesome with his control period working over that knee w/ his holds & little kicks. But as implied, Davey's selling was super spotty at best - initially he sells fine, and even has a couple of singular pretty damn good selling moments (which low-key surprised me), but once it's time for Davey to do his shit, he sure does his shit without selling much of the damage that Mochizuki had done to his knee. Even with that, it's still A LOT more interesting than those SHINGO & YAMATO matches - sure there's your bombs that aren't very captivating, but I definitely liked the two just kicking the crap out of each other. More selling & this would've been from good to very good to maybe even great, but as it stands, it was "just" pretty good. Def a lot better than expected though. **3/4

Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi vs. SHINGO & YAMATO vs. The Young Bucks
This actually felt very 'tame', which wasn't expected looking at the line-up. It never seemed to kick into a 2nd gear. The match was just THERE for the most part, but I did enjoy some of the beginning stuff with SHINGO & YAMATO just running through everyone w/ relative ease. **

BxB Hulk vs. Dragon Kid
Some exciting action, as you'd expect from the two, with a clear & nice dynamic of Kid having to fight from underneath while the champ looked pretty dominant. A good ol', well executed underdog tale in a championship match. It's a good one. ***

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