Wednesday, June 12, 2019


WWE NXT 05/29/19: Drew Gulak vs. KUSHIDA
This is charmingly competitive & vicious work on the mat all the way through w/ a nice sense of urgency to the thing. Loved everything about it. The Hoverboard Lock struggle during the finishing stretch was so great. ***1/2

WWE NXT 06/04/19: Akira Tozawa vs. Drew Gulak
These two are somewhat of a natural opponents to one another with Gulak's tight holds & vicious strikes going against Tozawa's explosive comebacks. This was a yet another banger between the two. ***1/2

WWE NXT 06/11/19: Akira Tozawa vs. Drew Gulak vs. Humberto Carrillo vs. Oney Lorcan
The loud 205 chants felt so deserved as the four were putting on such an entertaining match. Gulak & Oney destroying everyone with their strikes was very fun, and the exchanges they had against one another were great. Maybe my favorite bit of the whole bout was the brief Gulak control segment inside the ring where he straight up dominated everyone; first slugging Oney out of the picture & then mauling Humberto & Tozawa. Following that, Humberto & Tozawa teaming up to try n' take out Gulak was extremely fun as well - especially the sequence where Humberto first top rope dropkicks Gulak, and then Tozawa follows it up by LAUNCHING himself pretty brutally into him. Very good action from start to finish. Extremely good match. ***1/2

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