Friday, June 21, 2019

Then There Was A KING

Glory Pro Anniversary - Phoenix Rising: Eddie Kingston vs. PACO
This is a really great 2/3 falls match that builds fantastically from the moment Eddie & PACO start brawling till the very end. The meat of the match is PACO's attack on Eddie's leg, and Eddie's selling is absolutely terrific all the way through. ****

HMW Fight Fire With Fire: Eddie Kingston vs. Thomas Shire
This is Eddie doing his Kings Road tribute shtick, and it's fucking awesome. His opponent captivates too in my first time watching him; Thomas Shire is a tall, lanky dude, who is apparently trained by Dory Funk Jr. He does a lot of sweet suplexes + uppercuts, sells well & overall puts on a pretty great fighting from underneath performance, as Eddie just keeps on brutalizing him in an EXTREMELY compelling fashion. Badass match. ****

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