Monday, June 24, 2019

Stomping Ground STUFF

Akira Tozawa vs. Drew Gulak vs. Tony Nese
I am not sure can I say this was disappointing, because I never have positive expectations for a match involving Tony Nese, but it still kinda was. Very underwhelming, at least. There were a couple of neat singular spots & the finishing stretch was really good, but overall this was very forgettable. **

Big E & Xavier Woods vs. Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn
This had a textbook quality tag match formula with Owens & Zayn working a lengthy heat segment on Xavier to start it off, followed by a very good Big E hot tag, and then to finish it off, an exciting finishing gear & stretch. Really good stuff. ***1/2

Ricochet vs. Samoa Joe
The beginning with Joe just slapping Ricochet on the back of his head set up the dynamic right away. Joe was the awesome, dominant & vicious bully that he is, while Ricochet had to fight from underneath with his really good comeback flurries. It was the most natural & expected route they could've gone with the match, and I am glad they did, because it was a really good one, indeed. ***1/2

Daniel Bryan & Rowan vs. Heavy Machinery
This was just so much fun. Bryan was unsurprisingly excellent, Rowan was good & the Heavy Machinery fellas impressed as well - especially given the starting setting of the match w/ the Washington crowd being 110% behind Bryan. Really liked Tucker's FIP seg with Bryan working over his leg a bit, and I LOVED how Bryan went right back to that briefly worked over leg as they were in the ring together once again towards the end. When he has a target, he doesn't goddamn forget it. The exchanges between Bryan & Otis were pretty fantastic, and I also enjoyed the HOSS showdown between Otis & Rowan. Heavy Machinery, overall, looked really damn good w/ their explosive power moves & Otis' wacky gimmick shtick was pretty fun. The sequence where he gets FIRED UP as Bryan is kicking him RULED. So much to love here, and of course one of the best things about it was the finish. I'll never not love Bryan continuing being Mr. Small Package. Absolutely awesomeness, the whole thing. ***3/4

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