Saturday, December 22, 2018


PWG Smokey and the Bandido: Darby Allin vs. Trevor Lee
Two of the best guys in the indies clashing! This wasn't gonna be anything less than very good. Trevor's pre-match promo was absolutely brilliant. One of his best ones yet. Darby gets a nice little shine to start things off, but quickly it's Trevor on top, and it's really damn good; Trevor works over Darby's back throughout, and Darby's small stature & commitment to bumping like a maniac makes every backbreaker look super destructive. They do the Darby vs. Page EVOLVE deal w/ Trevor taping Darby's hands behind his back, and much like it did back in February of 2017, it rules here as well - Darby's comeback with NO HANDS is so great & it has so much urgency in it. Awesome match. ***3/4

AAW Unstoppable 2018: ACH vs. Trevor Lee
Wasn't sure what to expect from this since it's a 60-minute draw, but Trevor is one of the best when it comes to putting on loooong matches & ACH usually always impresses. And it turned out to be a great match! The whole story of the thing was that Trevor was working the crap out of ACH & getting the better of him in most of the exchanges - as the match goes on & ACH keeps on refusing to go down, Trevor gets more & more frustrated though, and that leaves ACH some windows for comeback flurries. Both guys deliver in their roles between Trevor's great work on top + character work & ACH's great comebacks & really good selling. Some of the highlights for me were Trevor doing the classic heel-trying-to-bribe-the-ref -bit w/ him shaking his hand, hugging him & even raising his hand, ACH countering Trevor's signature Penalty Kick on the apron by planting him face first into it, Trevor's big backbreaker from the apron to the guardrail, Trevor's promo like 40 minutes into the match, ACH's subtle selling before hitting the Frog Splash that missed & then selling it big time. ****

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