Tuesday, December 18, 2018

5-STAR RE-WATCH: Slaughter/Sheik, Bock/Hennig, Jumbo/Misawa

WWF on MSG 06/16/84: Sgt. Slaughter vs. The Iron Sheik
Fun characters, amazing atmosphere, great punches, awesome selling, violence, blood - YAY! Pretty much everything about this is just superb. The Sheik delivers Slaughter a helluva beating, making Slaughter truly earn that eventual big comeback & win - the way they milk the crowd here by teasing Slaughter's comebacks only for Sheik to cut him off is simply masterful. Some of the best milking & timing in wrestling ever. They build it to the climax that is Slaughter's big comeback & the finishing stretch perfectly. One of the best WWE matches of all-time. ****3/4

AWA 11/15/86: Curt Hennig vs. Nick Bockwinkel
Some of the best limb work ever, amazing selling, PERFECT pacing & structure. The best match of the 80's, and very high on the all-time list as well. The kind of a match that gets better on each viewing. *****

AJPW 09/01/90: Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Mitsuharu Misawa
The action is good for the first 15 minutes with them trying to one-up each other, but it certainly isn't great. It isn't until Jumbo goes "well, fuck this shit" & starts delivering a grumpy badass beating to Misawa that the match truly picks up. After that it's 10 minutes of explosive, high energy action w/ a very good sense of urgency. Shame that the build up to Jumbo exploding wasn't as great as I remembered. ***1/2

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