Saturday, December 22, 2018


WWF WrestleMania 10: Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart
This flows beautifully from start to finish, the storytelling is great, Bret's selling is superb & both guys', especially Owen's character work is top notch. ****1/4

AJPW 05/21/94: Akira Taue & Toshiaki Kawada vs. Kenta Kobashi & Mitsuharu Misawa
Dangerous K, man. Another legendary performance by him in yet another classic tag bout featuring these four men. Absolutely love how calm, cool & collected he comes off as; such a killer vibe, and fits into the thing perfectly w/ the Misawa Triple Crown match looming on the near horizon. Kobashi as the FIP is of course amazing, and the knee destruction of his by Taue & Kawada is terrific. Kawada's body language cannot be praised enough during that, but little did he know that if he was gonna be a prick, Kobashi was gonna answer right back - the dropkick to Kawada's bum knee was such a terrific moment. Misawa's hot tag was also terrific; ELBOW SUICIDA~! - also loved how Kobashi continued the kneework on Kawada outside the ring during it. Then after a while of Misawa running wild on Kawada, Taue coming in & being a nasty bastard, just throwing Misawa around like nothing was one of my favorite things about the whole match - also that spot was brilliant where he has Misawa set up for the chokeslam, only for Kobashi to come in & break it up, which then lead to Taue making him pay for that by kicking him right on the back of the knee that he & Kawada had been working on all match. So much amazing stuff in this match! Perfectly paced & structured, and superb performances from all 4 involved. *****

AJPW 06/03/94: Mitsuharu Misawa vs. Toshiaki Kawada
Kawada is hell-bent on getting that title by smashing Misawa's face in w/ those damn kicks of his. Misawa has no problems answering to that by going after the knee. It's a true war, and puroresu at it's best. Truly the "El Clasico" as many have dubbed it. *****

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