Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Ciampa/Dream, Taichi/Ospreay, Ohno/Strickland

WWE NXT Takeover: WarGames II: Tommaso Ciampa vs. The Velveteen Dream
I originally had no plans watching this match, but after reading one particular review, I got very intrigued by it. So naturally I decided to give this shizzat a shot! The match was very good. I wasn't into the fighting over the HOLLYWOOD bandana -stuff, but once that was done with, things got good. Ciampa on top was pretty damn enjoyable - that headlock spot which the Dream sold via SPIT was wonderful. Great image & loved how tight that headlock looked. Dream's work over the leg was pretty great - the Figure-4 spot in the ring was absolutely superb. Perfectly done drama. Ciampa's selling was fantastic for the most part, but once it was time for him to get back into things, he dropped the selling; him delivering Project Ciampa perfectly fine bothered me quite a bit. Around that is when the match essentially kicked into it's finishing gear, and that was real good; some really great nearfalls, with the 2 delivering them via some pretty clever ways. ***1/2

NJPW World Tag League 2018 - Finals: Taichi vs. Will Ospreay
Some of Taichi's ruthless work over Ospreay's banged up ribs made me legitimately think "holy crap, that was BRUTAL", and Ospreay's selling & overall work, fighting from underneath, was him pretty much the best I personally like him. Excellent match. ****

EVOLVE 116: Kassius Ohno vs. Shane Strickland
This had a promising start with Ohno completely eating Shane alive, but then Strickland got back into things, and his shitty offense killed the good build Ohno gave it w/ his own killer offense. All of Strickland's comebacks were just awful, and the only saving grace of the match was Ohno. Thank goodness Ohno has Darby Allin lined up for his next EVOLVE appearance! **

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