Thursday, December 6, 2018


PWG Battle of Los Angeles 2006: Necro Butcher vs. Super Dragon
Almost an half hour of straight up violence. The pacing is a bit awkward at times, but it honestly kinda adds to the charm of this spectacle. A wild, chaotic brawl. Just like a match between Necro Butcher & Super Dragon should look like! ****1/4

PWG Giant-Size Annual #4: Necro Butcher vs. Bryan Danielson
This has always been one of my favorite PWG matches, and it still remains exactly that. It tells the tale of the in-ring styles of Bryan Danielson & Necro Butcher perfectly; Danielson tries to ground the match right away, and he succeeds in that quite well & gets to control the first stages of the bout - then eventually Necro HEADBUTTS himself back into things; his forehead opens up by those headbutts & that leads to maybe my favorite moment of the match - Danielson scratching the cut w/ his fingers while he has Necro in a chokehold. Brutal & straight up nasty stuff. And then it's like Necro REALLY wakes up after smelling his own blood; he goes to town on Danielson, classic chaotic Necro style outside the ring, slamming him on chairs & trying to suffocate him w/ a plastic shopping bag. That of course pisses Danielson off even more & after that, every strike he delivers to Necro comes w/ extra intensity & stiffness behind them. A perfect example of how wonderful a true styles clash can be in pro wrestling. ****1/2

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