Monday, December 31, 2018


CWA 04/06/81: Jerry Lawler vs. Terry Funk
Always been a hard match to rate w/ dem STARZ, but it is one of the best things ever. Lance Russell puts on an all-time great performance as he plays his role perfectly - him & Funk have AMAZING chemistry when they're bantering around, waiting for The King to arrive. And of course, the Funker. What can I even say? He's the best & this is his show. A must see, unique spectacle. ****3/4

WWF In Your House 18: Badd Blood: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker
I've always loved the vibe this has as they're first locked inside the cell & Taker just starts slowly walking towards Michaels, knowing that he will get his hands on him soon & that there's no place for HBK to hide. It's pretty dark - it reminds me of the ol' movie cliche-dynamic w/ there being that one high school bully who makes fun of the different "weirdo" in class. This time, here in the World Wrestling Federation, the weirdo is a huge asskicking monster who is about to show why you should not make fun of him. It's a feeling that is truly unique & hasn't been replicated before or since. Taker just kicking HBK's ass is so good & HBK's bumping is at it's best here; doesn't go overboard with it one bit. HBK's brief hope spots ALL rule, and then his eventual heat segment on Taker (& the cameraman) rules big time. My favorite of the whole package is Taker's last asskicking segment tho - he just beats the crap out of HBK all over the place, and it's WONDERFUL. Then when HBK is bloody & just straight up DONE, having received the asskicking of his career? Enter KANE. The debut is something that could've brought the match quality down quite a bit, but it actually adds to it & the finish so much; HBK, half dead & all, pinning Taker & then leaving as the winner always makes me smile. It's a perfect ending to a perfect match. *****

WCW Halloween Havoc 1997: Eddie Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
Between Eddie's incredible, vicious work on top, Rey's excellent comebacks & selling + the pace & energy from start to finish, this truly is the perfect cruiserweight match. *****

AJPW 07/24/98: Jun Akiyama vs. Kenta Kobashi
Some of the exchanges in this look super scrappy which absolutely RULES. Then the big story of the match, which is Akiyama's attack on Kobashi's banged up knee, is fantastic. Kobashi sells masterfully & Akiyama is super focused on his attack - the drama revolving around his submission holds, in particular that one Figure-4 inside the ring is superb. ****3/4

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