Monday, December 17, 2018


Alicia Fox & Jinder Mahal vs. Carmella & R-Truth
A match. *

The Bar vs. The New Day vs. The Usos
I feel like this was the most lively performance from Sheamus in quite a while - pretty much all of his offense had good energy behind it, everything looked very good. Everyone else had good performances too (in particular Kofi & Cesaro), but Sheamus just stood out to me in that. Good match. ***

Baron Corbin vs. Braun Strowman
A well executed angle. NR

Natalya vs. Ruby Riott
This was exactly how a WWE match w/ this kind of an angle behind it would end up being. And that is not a good thing. Slow pace, some "dramatic" talking-to-your-opponent-followed-by-smiles -stuff. Bleh. Liv Morgan sure took one hell of a brutal bump. *1/2

Drew McIntyre vs. Finn Bálor
The finish w/ Bálor delivering that gorgeous sudden shotgun kick was awesome, and his overall performance fighting from underneath was very solid, but McIntyre was very hit & miss w/ his work on top - when he was just throwing Finn around & ragdolling him, it ruled, but when he was slowly beating him up & talking trash, it wasn't very interesting. So that dragged the match down a bit, but it was still pretty good overall. **1/2

Randy Orton vs. Rey Mysterio
Wow, Orton sucked the life out of this one. I shouldn't be surprised, but here we are. What a slow, plodding, boring as shit heat segment by him on Mysterio. Other than that, this was very much "the usual" between Rey & Randy, just them doing their thing. Rey did a few cool things, but for the most part, this was oh so boring. *1/4

Ronda Rousey vs. Nia Jax
Not quite as great as their first match, but Ronda vs. Nia II still ruled big time. Nia just ragdolls Ronda as Ronda bumps like a maniac & it's just goddamn awesome. All of Ronda on the offense is great as well, and I loved the big "pro-wrestling spots" she pulled off in the crossbodies from the top & then the huge powerbomb towards the end. Lovely stuff. ***3/4

Daniel Bryan vs. AJ Styles
These boys done did it again, another classic between 'em. Amazing, brutal as hell work over the ribs of AJ by Bryan & AJ's selling is of course terrific. AJ returns the favor by doing brutal work over Bryan's leg & oh my goodness I loved how over the half crab got. Shows what kind of masters these two are when they got that feeling as a legitimate finish in the match. Bryan's selling was superb too, that Calf Crusher looked & felt so vicious, because of that + AJ really cranked it back violently. Also I HAVE TILL 5 & the knees to the head in the cravate before suplexing AJ = GOAT. And I absolutely loved the finish - always great seeing Mr. Small Package pop up once in a while. ****1/2

Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose
Weird match layout given the feud behind it - certainly not the ideal one for them on this night, but it worked on parts; the match came off as a real tale of two performances for me. Really dug Ambrose's work on top - he brought good intensity & all of his holds were pretty snug. His acting was real good too, that's not a surprise. Rollins on the other hand was absolutely awful. If you're gonna have your surgically repaired knee (TM) as the focal point of the match, at least bother to sell it when you're delivering your shitty MOVEZ. And holy shit don't even let me get started on his acting. What a cringefest on his part. Ambrose ruled though. Very glad he's a heel now. **1/4

Becky Lynch vs. Asuka vs. Charlotte Flair
Wow, these three sure laid into each other with those kendo stick & steel chair -shots. Absolutely brutal stuff. The big spots (leg drop through the announce table, spear through the barricade, senton through the table) were explosive & really brutal as well. And on top of that, this was really well paced from start to finish w/ no dull moments, and they kept it at a good length. Really good match. ***3/4

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