Friday, January 18, 2019

ZSJ/PAC, Rey/Andrade

RevPro Live At The Cockpit 37: PAC vs. Zack Sabre Jr.
A tad bit better than PAC's snoozefest vs. David Starr. This one at least had somewhat of a low-key tight story w/ PAC's strength vs. Zack's technical wizardry. For that I can't say this was bad, as by the end, I appreciated the psychology of it, but sadly the match was just so damn boring. ZSJ has for my money been one of the best wrestlers of this decade & the most consistent guy in the past few years, so having such a mediocre match w/ him is quite the accomplishment. PAC just isn't any interesting in long ass matches like this. He's SO dull with his super generic "heel work". Bleh. **1/4

WWE SmackDown 01/15/19: Andrade (not Almas) vs. Rey Mysterio
Loved how this started off with them trying to outswagger each other. Also loved the headlock & hammerlock stuff. Eventually the big MOVEZ & counters become the focus of the match, with them busting out all kinds of cool stuff, and it's good. It's not the kind of wrestling that I go "holy shit this is amazing" to, but Rey & Almas did it much, much, much better than many others, and I enjoyed it a ton. Almas has some very solid viciousness to everything he does & Rey is still as explosive as ever. ***1/4

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