Thursday, January 3, 2019


NJPW Wrestle Kingdom Fan Fest: Jushin Liger & Tiger Mask vs. Ren Narita & Yuya Uemura
OH YES BABY. I love me some young lion vs. established wrestlers matches, and this one delivered in SPADES. Right from the get go during introductions when Liger threw his mighty cape at Narita, I knew this was gonna be GOOD. The two have some neat technical exchanges to start the match off - Narita gets some time to shine, but it's mostly Liger, and it's goddamn awesome. Liger still wrestles on the mat with such sense of REALNESS & tightness, it's amazing. He just stretches the poor young lad, and after a while of that, Tiger & Uemura get the tags, and fucking TIGER JUST STARTS KICKING THE CRAP OUT OF UEMURA. Uemura has some great young lion-fire & some really well timed I-AM-FIRED-UP-roars, but even though he keeps trying to fight back, TIGER JUST KEEPS ON GODDAMN KICKING & SLAPPING HIM. It's SO great. Uemura gets a little comeback in, but that is shut down pretty quickly as TIGER DELIVERS A GODDAMN DEVASTATING KICK TO THE LIVER. Uemura sells it amazingly, and Tiger delivers another one just for the fun of it before tagging in Liger. Liger comes in & immediately throws Uemura out of the ring so he can start whipping him into the guardrail. It looks brutal as hell & Uemura's selling is really great, once again. When they're back inside the ring, Uemura gets to make the hot tag to Narita - Narita runs wild for a sec, and then puts Liger on the young lion classic, the Boston Crab. Liger's selling of this is so outstanding - he gave Narita so much and made it look like he barely survived by reaching the ropes. Bless that man. Liger then tags to Tiger, still selling his back like the legend he is, and Tiger comes & starts SLAPPING the taste out of Narita's mouth. Narita makes the tag to Uemura, who looks pretty rough during the hot tag, but those elbows he delivered to grounded Tiger Mask were AWESOME. The youngsters run wild on the grumpy old veterans for a while, but then Tiger catches Uemura w/ a leglock, and it looks like he is really trying to rip his leg off, aka exactly how submission holds should look like! Tiger kicks the soul out of Uemura some more, and there's some great facial expressions by him as it goes on; in particular the look he had on his face after Uemura kicked out of his big headkick was amazing - "this piece of shit youngster just kicked out of THAT? What the fuck?" & then he goes & delivers the Tiger Driver for the pinfall victory, and his facial expression was so great as he does that; he's like "can't believe this goddamn teenager made me use THIS to finish him". SO good. If you love grumpy old men, and I mean WHO DOESN'T, then this one is a must watch. Tiger & Liger for tag champs 2K19. ****

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