Sunday, January 13, 2019

Daisuke/Hama, PAC/Starr

BJW 01/02/19: Daisuke Sekimoto vs. Ryota Hama
Ryota Hama is an absolute unit, a very large man, so this naturally followed the classic David vs. Goliath formula, and it was a real good time. Daisuke milked the most out of his big hope spots - all of them came off as dramatic in a very good way. Very good overall work from underneath by him. ***

Defiant Loaded 01/13/19: David Starr vs. PAC
First time watching PAC after his WWE departure. This was not good. These slow paced, generic WWE style heel performances do not suit him too well, especially not if his opponent isn't doing some crazy explosive shit on his comebacks. Boring work on top by PAC & while Starr can be one helluva babyface (see his 16 Carat Gold finals vs. Absolute Andy for a prime example), he sure wasn't very interesting here w/ his comebacks. Some generic indy sequences to boot as well. Bleh. At least the first 3 to 4 minutes of it were legitimately very fun w/ them disrespecting each other, but sadly that went nowhere & after that it was all generic action from there. **

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