Saturday, January 12, 2019

5-STAR RE-WATCH: WWE edition!

WWE WrestleMania 25: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker
I adore the beginning with Michaels playing up the quickness vs. power -game perfectly. Shawn, overall, is absolutely tremendous w/ his character work throughout. From cockiness to desperation. Taker's character work is also really great w/ him getting visibly frustrated that this little rascal ain't going down to his big bombs easily. Of course the whole meat of the match is the incredible drama they create w/ the all-time great nearfalls, and it's truly amazing. It feels like a natural epic, because they built it up so well. Not on the level of Badd Blood '97, but not many matches are, and this sure still is a classic. ****1/2

WWE SummerSlam 2013: Brock Lesnar vs. CM Punk
It's Punk's last real classic & Brock's last big match before he broke the streak & became the mayor of Suplex City, so it's pretty special. Both guys deliver in their roles - Brock manhandles Punk around wonderfully, sells big time when Punk is on the offense & Punk rocks the David role fantastically. It's two masters at work, and they sure ended up having one of the very best matches of 2013. I thought Heyman added quite a bit to the thing, too - especially in the finishing stretch, which was just terrific. ****1/2

WWE NXT ArRIVAL: Cesaro vs. Sami Zayn
Wooo boy, this still rules so much. A couple of great callbacks to their previous meetings, and a simple underdog formula of Cesaro on top & Zayn from underneath. Cesaro is absolutely VICIOUS; first going after Zayn's mid-section brutally, and then moving to the knee & tearing that apart brilliantly. Zayn's selling is absolutely tremendous & his hope spots are so great, as are Cesaro's cut-offs of those. It's a fantastic uphill-battle-story for Zayn, and both men truly proved why they are all-time talents in rasslin w/ their performances. Also bless William Regal. What a perfect job he did on commentary describing the story of the match perfectly as it went on. ****3/4

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