Friday, January 25, 2019

A couple of ROH bangers

ROH Road to G1 Supercard - Dallas: Bandido vs. Silas Young
A grizzled, grumpy no-nonsense veteran in his late 30's taking on a young luchador who dresses up like a BANDIT. What a funky, charming match up! Who would've thought Bandido & Silas Young would work so well together in a lengthy singles match, too? I for one didn't know what to expect when I started watching it, but my goodness, they had an absolute rock solid banger here. Most of it is with Silas on top, and he's pretty darn good with his work - the main focus of his attack goes towards Bandido's back. It's pretty vicious & I very much liked it. Bandido is really good from underneath, too - he actually quite surprised me with how good his selling was throughout; loved that moment when his back gave out as he had Silas set up for a powerbomb. They built for all of his explosive comeback moves very well too - in particular that finish w/ his 21-Plex was pretty wonderful. ***1/2

ROH Road to G1 Supercard - Dallas: Jay Lethal & Jonathan Gresham vs. Mark Haskins & Tracy Williams
Haskins is nowhere near on the level of the other guys in this, and he dragged the match down with his thigh slap heavy, shitty offense, but fortunately he got the least time to shine out of the wrestlers involved, so this was very enjoyable & good overall. Hot Sauce was a very good FIP, and while after I first watched this I thought his selling of the knee was very spotty, after thinking about it, it was actually pretty damn creative & good. At first he isn't showing the damage Gresham & Lethal had done to it too much - he is still running at pretty much full speed, doing knee & leg drops, but then Gresham & Lethal go to work on it some more, and he starts selling it more dramatically, not being able to do big moves that require knee strength & all. Very good performance by him, and same can be said for those of Gresham's & Lethal's - both were absolutely awesome on the offense. ***1/4

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