Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Team Hell No & Cena battle against The Shield

WWE RAW 04/29/13: Daniel Bryan, John Cena & Kane vs. Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins
This is a very "paint-by-the-numbers" Shield match, but that is not a negative thing at all. The Shield mastered that fun 6-man tag formula & Daniel Bryan was more-than-likely their greatest opponent, so OF COURSE this was a lot of fun from start to finish. Cena's last hot tag was pretty great, and I liked the finish with his bum ankle coming into play and allowing the opening for Reigns to Spear him for the win. ***1/2

WWE RAW 05/13/13: Daniel Bryan, John Cena & Kane vs. Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins
I like this a little better than the 04/29 meeting between these two trios. Kane was almost always the "weak link" in terms of BRINGING IT in these Shield tags, but here his hot tag run before getting DQ'd & eliminated is legitimately extremely good & fun! He was the first one eliminated, and every second he was in there was good stuff. Then there's Bryan whose hot tag here is absolutely FANTASTIC -- I loooooove the spot where he is doing his flurry on Rollins & goes for his classic clothesline off the ropes, but instead dives onto Reigns outside, then gets immediately back into the ring to continue his hot streak on Rollins. Fantastically fiery stuff! I also really like The Shield putting a stop to Bryan's run by using their tag team expertise, and then the 3-on-1 Cena run is also solid stuff; especially the beginning with Cena coming in guns blazing. ***3/4

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