Saturday, April 4, 2020

Bryan vs. Nakamura for the first time ever

WWE SmackDown 04/03/20: Daniel Bryan vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
Probably not the ideal setting for this first ever singles dream match, but I am more than happy with how it turned out. I honestly loved just about every second of it; the early work on the mat was fun, Bryan's control section was pretty great - I like that even though the arm work wasn't that big of a focus in the match, he still set it up right at the beginning & it did come into play later on multiple times -- including in the finish. They also bust out all kinds of awesome counters to each others big shots throughout, and it's great stuff. I have a feeling that if these two meet once again, but this time in a PPV setting, it would be the best Nakamura singles match in ages. ***3/4

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