American Dragon vs. Christopher Daniels
Everyone knows about Dragon's match vs. Low Ki from this same show, but this is quite a gem as well. The early stuff w/ both guys looking to gain true control of one another is some really, really good stuff, and I especially loved how Dragon was so insistent on using that headlock to wear Daniels down. Once Daniels gets a groove going, he pays Dragon's plan of wearing-him-down-by-the-neck back, and he does it oh-so viciously. He is super focused on beating Bryan by dropping him on his neck & slapping on those submissions for good measure. It's a great, compelling-to-watch gameplan, and Dragon's selling of it is really good. Loved him not being able to hit his suplex, and then later on in the match not being able to lock in the Cattle Mutilation, 'cause of the damage done to that neck. Daniels getting the win w/ the Crossface was a great pay-off & ending to the thing, too. Excellent match. ****
Christopher Daniels vs. Low Ki
Early on Low Ki just totally kicks Daniels' ass all over the place Low
Ki style, but once Daniels' gets out of his flurry, he goes back to what
worked for him earlier on the night -- he starts going after Low Ki's
neck. Brainbusters, submissions; much like in that match vs. Bryan,
Daniels' focus on the neck absolutely rules here. He is terrific dishing
out the punishment, and Ki is really good from underneath with his hope
spots -- the highlight of his work here sure was that tremendous finish
w/ him spinning out of Daniels' hold, and locking in the Dragon Clutch
for the win. With the big focus being on the neckwork, it's easy to say
this was very similar to that Daniels vs. Dragon match from earlier, and
it's true, but it also came with its own, awesome Low Ki twists &
touches. I'd put both of the bouts on the same level. This was great. Ki
& Danielson obviously went on to have that classic main event just a
bit later, but Daniels' performances were extremely impressive on this
night as well. ****
American Dragon vs. Low Ki
A classic. It's mostly contested on the mat, and to put it simply, these two brought some of the best, most compelling matwork seen in the US in the last (at least) 20 years here. It might not even be their best match against each other either, which is quite SOMETHING to think about. Each hold looks tight, and the way they flow through with each transition & everything, is top notch. The selling is also tremendous throughout, with them selling each major "happening" in the match big. Of course there's also plenty of strikes, and all of them look great. Ki going after Bryan's face & that injured eye was some vicious, gnarly & lovely stuff. The last third where they start busting out bigger bombs w/ a bigger sense of urgency is superb as well -- the Ki Crusher from the top is still a legitimate holy-shit move. I also love the last few minutes w/ the Cattle Mutilation drama, and Ki ultimately passing out to it was a great finale to the thing. Overall it's an excellent match that still stands the test of time. One minor "gripe" would be that it does feel every second of its 30+ minute duration, but it's no biggie, because the wrestling is super compelling from start to finish for 99% of it. The Era of Honor Begins triple threat was a terrific statement, but this is the first real classic match in ROH history. ****3/4
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