WWE RAW 10/22/12: Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler
These two are always a hit together. Yet another TV-banger between 'em w/ awesome action from start to finish; some of the highlights include Bryan's brief leg targeting with him ramming Ziggler's knees from the Surfboard position, Dragon Screw + that Figure 4, and those big spots of the match are exactly that -- big spots, which hit the high note beautifully. That X-Factor from the top was great. ***1/2
WWE Survivor Series 2012: Daniel Bryan, Kane, Kofi Kingston, Randy Orton & The Miz vs. Alberto Del Rio, Damien Sandow, David Otunga, Dolph Ziggler & Wade Barrett
Feels like there is no heat in this thing whatsoever for the good majority of it, and the action is very lackluster. Some brief bright spots were Bryan's times in the ring, and the 2-on-2 section of it w/ Randy & Miz going against Del Rio & Ziggler was pretty fun stuff, at least compared to most of the rest of the match. *3/4
WWE TLC 2012: Daniel Bryan, Kane & Ryback vs. Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins
I've always loved the organic chaotic feel this thing has -- it starts from The Shield's entrance on as they arrive through the crowd. There is no downtime whatsoever as they start brawling right as The Shield hops over the barricades - it's absolute mayhem all the way through, and it's lovely stuff. That said feeling of chaos also drifts into organized chaos at points too w/ The Shield beautifully using their numbers game & predator mentality to stop the hot-streaks of the babyfaces. There are many highlights in the thing, and some of them are Ryback launching himself into Reigns when The Shield were beating him down on the ramp, Rollins' absolutely sick ladder spot towards the end, but in all honesty, the whole thing is just pure fireworks. It's booked & laid out to perfection. The Shield has arrived! ****3/4
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