Saturday, April 4, 2020

Bryan in the '13 Chamber, w/ Taker vs. The Shield

WWE Elimination Chamber 2013: Daniel Bryan vs. Chris Jericho vs. Jack Swagger vs. Kane vs. Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton
Far from the most memorable Chamber match, as there aren't many super memorable spots or sequences, but all in all, the thing flows so nicely w/ really good heat + action throughout, that it can't be anything less than very good in my eyes. The beginning with Jericho & Bryan going at it was extremely fun, Henry coming in & running through everyone ruled, and the battle between Orton & Jericho that lead to Jericho's elimination was great. ***3/4

WWE RAW 04/22/13: Daniel Bryan, Kane & The Undertaker vs. Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins
Absolute banger. The only moments of the match that weren't flat-out awesome were w/ Kane, but thankfully when it came to the babyface team, this was mostly about Bryan & Taker. Both of them delivered superb hot tags, and Bryan's FIP seg was also really good. The Shield were great as usual as well -- always love their tag team work, and a big shout-out must be given to Seth Rollins whose bumping & selling for everything (especially Bryan's hot tag) was pretty damn amazing. There's all of that, and then a red hot UK crowd to boot, making this such a lovely all around package. ****

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