Thursday, October 3, 2019

ROH DBD: Lethal/Gresham, Taven/RUSH

Jay Lethal vs. Jonathan Gresham
Some extremely generic "technical" work in the early exchanges -- it's of course not bad since it's these two, but it's not interesting at all tbh. Things thankfully do get better & A LOT more compelling pretty quickly though, as Gresham starts dishing out the punishment w/ his limb targeting. He's even more vicious than usual, playing off of the angle leading up to this bout. They overall do a good job of playing off of that said angle, as it translates well to a guy like me who hadn't been watching or paying attention to the build at all. Good match! Missing some of the spark of their best matches against each other, and the first few minutes of the 50/50 "technical wrestling" weren't interesting, but overall, the thing ended up being good. ***1/4

Matt Taven vs. Rush
What a fascinating looking pairing on paper, like as in, I wasn't sure what to expect from the two in terms of match quality, but this was absolutely AWESOME. Taven was GREAT dishing out the punishment when he had the control -- he was extremely compelling all the way through, and more than matched Rush's explosiveness + viciousness. The whole thing also had this great feeling of a FIGHT that's not too common in ROH World Title matches or for that matter, any main event World Title matches anywhere. This was great. ****

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